We are excited to share that the upgrades of the Dudley Forde Aquatics Centre at Maritzburg College have begun!
The project is a high priority for College and the monies raised have been ring fenced for this development.
As additional funds are required to undertake the major pool upgrade needed, we have decided to go ahead with an immediate start to the beautification of the pool area pre-season. Included in this is the uncovering of the pumphouse to restore the original red brick, a revamp of the coaches’ hut, the erection of a 45m wooden fence to screen off the storage facility, creation of tiered seating, the installation of an electronic scoreboard and landscaping of the general area around the pool.
With a projected spend of R400K, building began in the last week of the second term. This will of course dovetail with further development and upgrades once an additional major source of funding is secured for the new pool.
Watch this space!
Thank you to all our Maritzburg College donors who helped us make this project a reality. The start of exciting developments for our #RedBlackWhite Aquatics Centre!

13 June 2024

31 July 2024