033 342 9376 admin@collegefoundation.co.za

Fully Tax deductable donations and what that means for Australian Old Collegians

The Maritzburg College sub-fund of the Australian Communities Foundation facilitates fully tax deductable donations to the benefit of our great school Maritzburg College. As an example a $1000 donation to the College fund is a fully deductable expense. At the highest tax rate your actual cost is just 55% of the value of your donation ($550). This is a wonderfully leveraged benefit to your Alma Mater; what is more, your donation is subsidised by the Australian Tax Office to the tune of your taxable rate.  How good is that!

The College fund has raised $120 000 so far from several significant individual donations. The fund has distributed grants to College of $42 500, this has funded new classroom refurbishments and the wonderful new College Coffeebox. This is a great facility and will contribute an income stream for the benefit of College into the future. (https://collegefoundation.co.za/coffeebox/)

I strongly feel that we all have a commitment to “pay back” the valuable education and life skills gained at College. With bands of brothers from our years spent at College and learnings for success in life, it is so important to ensure that the College experience we enjoyed continues on, and is there for all young men in KZN and throughout SA for those who are fortunate enough to gain entry to our great school.

We all may be a long way from Maritzburg but College is there, always, in all of us. No matter what the circumstance, our self-discipline, manners, respect, courage, competitiveness, accountability and attributes for success in our endeavours always comes through.

To that end I ask you to consider how you can generously support College financially through donations to the College fund. We all have a commitment to securing a successful future for our Alma Mater in a challenging environment.

Please donate by going to the following link: https://australiacf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create?funit_id=1171

This will auto-generate a valid tax receipt that will be emailed to you instantly for an income tax deduction for the amount that you donate.

Warren Turner

OC 1986