033 342 9376 admin@collegefoundation.co.za

Foundation Reunion Breakfast

The Foundation hosted its first Reunion Breakfast on Friday 12 May during the Reunion celebrations. It was a small gathering of special guests who enjoyed a delicious breakfast. The event provided an intimate setting for meaningful conversations between the attendees, and a valuable opportunity to recognise and show our deep appreciation to people who have given so much to our school.

The Foundation Chairman, Mr Steve Colenbrander, and the Headmaster, Mr Luman, both gave short speeches and our Marketing Director, Sally Upfold, played two short but powerful videos on Maritzburg College and all we have to offer.

The breakfast was followed by the special assembly on Barns. Guests left with a lovely bag of College Foundation Goodies and reading material, and full tummies too!

We hope that this will be the first of many occasions, and look forward to inviting more of our supporters in the future.