033 342 9376 admin@collegefoundation.co.za

Giving Day 5 & 6 September 2023

What is Giving Day?

For over a decade now, no fund raising has taken place at any Old Boys function which has been an active decision taken by Old Boys. That said, we need our passionate Old Boys and College Community to invest into “Our College” we hold so dear, as many did with the fund raising in 2022 for the: Philip Nel Pavilion, World class 1st Aid Facility (that secured us the very successful junior Craven week we hosted this year in 2023) and a massive build out of the Kent Pavilion change rooms. What a wonderful addition all this is to Goldstones and a fitting tribute to our legendary Springbok captain, Philip Nel, who was Head Prefect and captain of the rugby First XV in 1921.

Giving Day is a new concept for College and instead of asking Old Boys and “Friends of College” to donate at events throughout the year, we are:

  • asking for 24hrs only
  • making it global
  • making it FUN
  • embracing digital, in this fund raising
  • allowing our Donors to pick and support a campaign you want to support

Please join us and be a part of this inaugural Giving Day.

More details to follow so please take action and click on a link and join a campaign that you support in preparation for our inaugural Giving Day on 5 & 6 September 2023.

Fundraising groups for Giving Day

 Link to join
Aquatics Fund Raising Click here
Hockey Fund Raising Click here
Goldstones Clubhouse/Deck Fund Raising Click here
Giving Day General (Academics | Boarding | Pupil Development | General) Click here


Proposed images of the intended developments (*please note these are for illustration purposes only and not the final versions)


Aquatics Center



Lights on the Astroturf                                                Proposed lockers for the upgraded hockey changeroom

Goldstones Clubhouse/Deck