033 342 9376 admin@collegefoundation.co.za

Papes Lighting

Maritzburg College continues to progress in many areas, with an ever-increasing number of sporting teams participating across our many different sporting codes every weekend. This trend does come with its own challenges as the school’s facilities need to cater for these increasing numbers.


On 5 February 2024, the 8 floodlight poles were erected on Papes Astro. We are looking forward to hosting our first ever night matches soon.


Click here to see the exciting development!

We are so excited to announce that ground has been broken to start the process of lighting up Pape’s.

For some time now, College has wanted to put lights on our beloved Papes. This will enable us to host various tournaments, as well as being able to practice when the light starts to fade. This will definitely help our Hockey fraternity going forwards!

Construction of the lights has already started and we hope to be playing hockey on our floodlit Astro by January 2024!


Cement being poured into the holes
15 November 2023


26 October 2023

15 November 2023

5 February 2024

To make your donation, please use the following banking information:

Account Holder: Maritzburg College Foundation

Bank: Nedbank

Account Number: 1004849451

Branch Code: 198765

REF Code: SCOREBOARD & your name / Team

Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ