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100MillionForCollege Campaigns Overview

In 2013 the 100MillionForCollege campaign was launched at the school’s 150th celebration during a gala dinner hosted for the Old Boys reunion. This recognised the need for College to secure funding in order to ensure its succession in an ever changing world where funding from central government was reducing year on year and where many parents, that College desired for their children to attend College, could not afford escalating prices of education. It also focused on the increasing services that College aspired to offer to ensure its offerings, not just in the class room, where pupil teacher ratios are strictly monitored, met the needs of top performing standards set not only by government schools but also private schools. The School and School Board recognised the need for a more centralised fund raising strategy that would reduce ‘donor fatigue” and that met the Schools strategic plans and so the  100MillionForCollege campaign was conceived with an ultimate goal of building an endowment flow from a R100m investment that would fund the needs of the school but ensure the capital was secure and invested for the future.

 The 100MillionForCollege recognises that donors will supporting varying campaigns based on their views and so multiple campaigns are offered to accommodate wide donor participation. All campaigns are strategically reviewed each year, in line with the overall ten year “master plan” and school strategy. All campaigns fall under the fundraising umbrella of our 100MillionFor College campaign. 

Endowment Scholarship Fund


Community Outreach


Pupil Support

Olivier Bequest
