033 342 9376 admin@collegefoundation.co.za


Read about the latest developments here.

We are raising the bar. College water polo has mapped out a strategic plan for the development and excellence of the sport at the school, which includes players, coaching, skills, facilities, and tech. Our goal is to improve the win rate and ranking both within the province and nationally, and firmly position College as a competitive force in the pool.

Mr Sheriff and the parents have identified some immediate needs for 2023 that will help raise the profile of the sport and greatly support this longer-term plan. With the recent acquisition of pool covers to retain heat and extend the training months, we have fallen outside of the 2023 budget allocation, so need to find alternative ways to raise the additional funds. We are planning a number of fundraising efforts during the year to assist the sport, and the boys, with much-needed equipment, facilities, and opportunities. The range of needs and details of associated costs are outlined below. Should anyone want to contribute to an aspect specifically we would greatly appreciate any sponsorships and donations. We also hope you will support our various upcoming fundraising events.

Specific needs for current players: 

  • Kit for our 1st team so we can have proud and professional looking boys (Gowns, Hoodies, Shorts, Shirts, Bags).
  • Support to enable out of province tours (U15 & 1st Team) , covering travel cost to gain national exposure.

 Infrastructure needs:

  • Lane ropes for the polo pool to upgrade the playing environment and meet current day standards with a clearly demarcated “field”.
  • Spotlights for extended training hours and grounds to establish a local league, which has shown to exponentially improve schoolboy development, both for College boys and juniors from feeder schools.
  • New starting blocks to upgrade the pool environment for both polo and swimming, and to meet current day standards.
  • Shade cloth (covered area for spectators) to provide a suitable spectator environment against scorching heat, for parents and visitors alike
  • Pump House revamp/facelift to upgrade what is a visually derelict structure in the centre stage of the pool environment, to one that can be both a feature and useful for coaching and/or spectators.

Sponsorship Opportunities

  1. Lane Ropes
  • Cost = R37 000 (R17 000 still required)
  • Full sponsorship or partial donations
  • Full sponsorship gets allocated signage on fence line / stands valid for 3 years
  • 5m x 1m
  1. Starting Blocks
  • Cost = R25 000 (R2 500 ea. x 10)
  • Full sponsorship or individual starting block sponsorship
  • Each sponsorship over R10 000 gets allocated signage on fence line / stands valid for 2 years
  • 5m x 1m

  1. Kit for 1st team
  • Cost = R2 250 per player
  • Full sponsorship or sponsorship of a specific number of players
  • Full sponsorship will allow for the company logo on all kit (in line with College’s branding regulations).
  • Detailed costing of each item available on request (Gowns / Hoodies / Golf Shirts / T-Shirts / Shorts / Turbo Bags)
  1. Pump House
  • Cost +/- R75 000
  • Full sponsorship
  • Revamp and branding on the Pump House to be agreed and in line with College branding criteria
  • Valid for 5 years

Revamp plans and accurate cost projections are work in progress. Should anyone be interested in working on this project, please get in touch with us. 

  1. Shade Cloth
  • Cost = TBC
  • Full sponsorship or partial donations
  • Each sponsorship over R10 000 gets allocated signage on fence line / stands (in line with College branding criteria). Signage and installation at the cost of the company.
  • 5m x 1m valid for 2 years
  • Plans and accurate cost projections are work in progress. Should anyone be interested in working on this project, please get in touch with us.

  1. Leavers Plaque on the Dudley Forde Aquatics Centre Arch
  • Cost = R1 500 donations
  • From 6th Form / Old Boy water polo and swimming leavers ONLY
  • A plaque with your name and final year engraved and placed on the Arch. 

We will also be arranging the following fundraising events which we will communicate in due course that we trust will be well supported:

  • Golf Day
  • Kwela’s Aquatics Fundraiser
  • Wors Roll Stand at Home games
  • Evening Event (Story Telling / Auction / Raffle’s)
  • Sip & Sketch evening

Payment Details

Sponsorships and donations can be made into the Maritzburg College Foundation account (details below) using the preferred reference number according to your interest, together with your name and surname.

For the Old boy and leavers plaques, please include your final year at Maritzburg College when you email through your proof of payment to Jenny Baptista (baptistaj@mcollege.co.za)

Banking information for the Foundation is:

Account Holder:    Maritzburg College Foundation
Bank:                       Nedbank
Account Number: 1004849451
Branch Code:        198765
Swift Code:            NEDSZAJJ
REFERENCE:         CODE AS PER BELOW + Name + Surname


Facilities Upgrade REF CODE
Lane Ropes AQUA01
Starting Block AQUA03
Pump House AQUA04
Shade Cloth AQUA05
Current Squad  
Kits for 1st Team AQUA06
Tours AQUA07
Leavers Plaques  
Individual donations AQUA08

Please email proof of payment to Jenny Baptista (baptistaj@mcollege.co.za)

Whilst we will look to the College community to support our upcoming fundraising efforts during the year, as well as the sponsorship opportunities that have been identified, we would of course welcome any form of contribution and donations. We encourage you to get in touch with us to discuss our various requirements should you be able to assist us.

Your contributions will have a great impact and we thank you kindly for your support. Please contact Darren Sherriff  (sherriffd@mcollege.co.za) or Andre du Toit (andre@firstequity.co.za) should you require any further information or have any queries on any of the above.