Created to provide an umbrella body for the school, together with its various Associated Bodies, our Board provides valuable longer term strategic planning and support, while ensuring continuity.
Comprising members who provide desirable skills and influence, our Board monitors the respective Associated Body strategies to ensure alignment with the school’s strategy and to optimise synergies.
In the longer term, the Board assists the Trust with building a substantial fund base to futureproof College and ensure the school’s sustainability.
Composed of elected and co-opted members from our parent, staff, and learner community, College’s School Governing Body aims to ensure that our school fulfils its mission, vision, and strategic goals and is governed in a way that is in the best interest of all its stakeholders.
Our SGB provides valuable support in strategic and financial planning, decision-making, and in discipline and conflict resolution. Monitoring and mentoring take place through various sub- committees: Boarding, Facilities Development, Finance, Legal, Marketing, and Fundraising.
Key areas of responsibility include setting and implementation of the annual budget, annual review the school’s policies, ensuring the maintenance and development of the property of the school, and the employment and retention of qualified staff.
The term of office for the elected members is three years, with the office bearers being elected annually.